1. Creation |
2. Adam and Eve |
3. Fall |
4. Cain and Abel |
5. The Flood |
6. World after the Flood |
7. Call of Abraham |
8. Melchizedek |
9. The God Who Sees Me |
10. Promise of Isaac |
11. Bargaining with God |
12. Sodom and Gomorrah |
13. She’s My Sister |
14. God Hears |
15. Trial of Abraham |
16. Beer-Sheba |
17. Rebekah |
18. Selling the Birthright |
19. She’s My Sister II |
20. Well Digger |
21. Stolen Blessing |
22. Jacob’s Two Wives |
23. Speckled Spotted & Streaked |
24. Leaving Laban |
25. Two Camps |
26. Dinah |
27. Sold into Slavery |
28. Judah |
29. Joseph’s Rise to Power |
30. Joseph’s Family Reunion |
31. The Birth of Moses |
32. Finding a Wife |
33. Call of Moses |
34. Zipporah |
35. Straw for Bricks |
36. Pharaoh’s Plagues |
37. The Passover |
38. Crossing the Red Sea |
39. What Is It? |
40. The Lord My Banner |
41. The Law |
42. The Golden Calf |
43. The Tabernacle |
44. Unholy Fire |
45. Graves of the Craving |
46. Spitting in Her Face |
47. Twelve Spies |
48. Korah’s Rebellion |
49. Speak to the Rock |
50. Balaam’s Donkey |
51. Balaam’s Prophecy |
52. The Death of Moses |
53. Rahab |
54. Crossing Jordan |
55. Jericho |
56. Achan |
57. Sun Standing Still |
58. Joshua’s Farewell |
59. Job’s Three Friends |
60. Othniel & Ehud |
61. Deborah & Barak |
62. Gideon’s Fleece |
63. Three Hundred Men |
64. King of Trees |
65. Jephthah’s Vow |
66. The Birth of Samson |
67. Strong & Sweet |
68. Foxes and a Jawbone |
69. Samson & Delilah |
70. Grandson of Moses |
71. Prelude to War |
72. Brides for Benjamin |
73. Naomi & Ruth |
74. Boaz & Ruth |
75. The Call of Samuel |
76. Ark of God Captured |
77. Ark of God Returned |
78. Ebenezer |
84. Anointing of David |
85. Goliath |
86. David Earns a Wife |
87. Protecting David |
88. Three Arrows |
89. Running from Saul |
90. Sparing Saul’s Life |
91. Abigail |
92. Sparing God’s Anointe |
93. Staying by the Stuff |
94. The Witch of Endor |
95. Death of Saul & Jonat |
96. Joab & Abner |
97. David Made King |
98. David’s Mighty Men |
99. Moving the Ark |
100. Building an Empire |
101. Ammonites |
102. Bathsheba |
103. Nathan’s Story |
104. Tamar |
105. Absalom’s Return |
106. Absalom’s Revolt |
107. Absalom’s Defeat |
114. Wisdom of Solomon |
115. Building the Temple |
116. Queen of Sheba |
117. Kingdom Divided (2 houses) |
118. Jeroboam’s Sin |
119. The Old Prophet |
120. Rehoboam & Jeroboam |
121. Abijah & Asa |
122. Elijah and the Widow |
123. Elijah on Mount Carmel |
124. Elijah on Mt Horeb |
125. The Wounded Prophet |
126. Naboth’s Vineyard |
127. Jehoshaphat & Ahab |
128. Jehoshaphat’s Victory |
129. Captain of 50 |
130. Elijah in the Whirlwind |
131. Ditches of Water |
132. Oil, Stew, Bread, and an Ax |
133. Shunammite Woman |
134. Naaman |
135. Gehazi |
136. Blind Soldiers |
137. Four Lepers |
138. Elisha Crying |
145. Jonah & the Vine |
146. Thistle & the Cedar |
147. Uzziah |
148. Ahaz |
149. Israel Conquers Judah |
150. Hezekiah |
151. King of Assyria |
152. Fifteen Years |
153. Evil King Who Repented |
154. A Book is Found |
155. Josiah’s Reforms |
156. Broken Pot |
157. Burning the Book |
158. Two Baskets of Figs |
159. Jerusalem Under Siege |
160. A Well of Mud |
161. Going to Egypt |
162. Valley of Dry Bones |
163. Daniel’s Decision |
164. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream |
165. Furnace Full of Fire |
166. Becoming a Wild Animal |
167. Handwriting on the Wall |
168. Den of Lions |
169. Rebuilding the Temple |
170. Ezra |
171. Rebuilding the Walls |
172. Esther Becomes Queen |
173. Esther Saves Her People |
174. Gabriel’s Announcement |
175. The Birth of Jesus |
176. Gifts for the King |
177. Twelve Years Old |
178. Baptism & Temptation |
179. Water to Wine |
180. New Birth |
181. Woman at the Well |
182. Rejected in Nazareth |
183. Fishing for People |
184. Sermon on the Mount |
185. Forgiving Sins |
186. Calling the Twelve |
187. A Roman and a Funeral |
188. Forgiven and Grateful |
189. Four Soils |
190. Teaching with Stories |
191. Calming Two Storms |
192. Twelve Years |
193. Pool of Bethesda |
194. John Beheaded |
195. Meal & a Walk |
196. Bread of Life |
197. Feeding 4,000 |
198. Caught in Immorality |
199. Man Born Blind |
200. Transfiguration |
201. Paying Temple Tax |
202. Rich Man and Lazarus |
203. Seventy Times Seven |
204. Good Samaritan |
205. Lost Sheep, Coin, & Son |
206. Lepers, Judge, & Pride |
207. Raising Lazarus |
208. The Great, the Rich, & the Poor |
209. Triumphal Entry |
210. Last Week of Ministry |
211. The Last Supper |
212. Gethsemane |
213. Trial Before Jews |
214. Trial before Romans |
215. Crucifixion |
216. Resurrection |
217. Road to Emmaus |
218. Winning Back Two Disciples |
219. Commission, Ascension & Waiting |
220. Coming of the Holy Spirit |
221. Crippled Man Healed |
222. Ananias & Sapphira |
223. Apostles and Deacons |
224. First Christian Martyr |
225. Ministry of Philip |
226. Conversion of Saul |
227. Healing of Dorcas |
228. Cornelius, 1st non Jew |
229. Christians at Antioch |
230. Jail Break |
231. First Missionary Journey |
232. From Worship to Stoning |
233. Keeping Jewish Laws |
234. Letter to the Galatians |
235. Singing in Jail |
236. Riots and Laughter |
237. 1st Letter to Thessalonians |
248. 2nd Letter to Thessalonians |
239. Mob in Corinth |
240. Riot at Ephesus |
241. 1st Letter to Corinthians (1) |
242. 1st Letter to Corinthians (2) |
243. 2nd Letter to Corinthians (1) |
244. 2nd Letter to Corinthians (2) |
245. Letter to Romans (1) |
246. Letter to Romans (2) |
247. Going to Jerusalem |
248. Riot in Jerusalem |
249. Plot to Kill |
250. Felix, Festus, & Agrippa |
251. Storm at Sea |
252. Shipwreck & Rome |
253. Philemon |
254. New Heaven & New Earth |
255. New Jerusalem on Earth |