The punitive rather than rehabilitative approach has led to very high levels of repeat offenders, particularly for those committing non-violent offenses such as drug possession, shoplifting, and child support non-payment. And upon release, former convicts are confronted with a permanent disenfranchisement in terms of voting rights and employment opportunities. has developed a Bible study and program that addresses these issues and empowers home groups and churches the material at no cost.


This project, we call Project Uplift, is designed to lift up people in the community who are down on their luck and change their lives forever, not just bring them to salvation.

It is our responsibility and privilege as Christians to minister to these souls in prison. Not only to give them the Gospel, but to educate them on how to live a better life and make better decisions; to manage their money and their lives.

Christ is the most important thing that you can give anyone in this world. Those of us (mankind) who are forced to live outside of society for a period of time as punishment, are extremely receptive to the Gospel. Most inmates have been trying to live life “their way” and have realized that it has wound up costing them their freedom. They are usually at the lowest point of their life.

Most of us view Felons as people who “need to be where they are” and are content throwing offenders away into places where they don’t have to be thought about. In actuality, over 80% of inmates are incarcerated as a result of drug or alcohol abuse. The majority of the rest are simply uneducated, misinformed, products of an indifferent society that doesn’t take thought of human well-being until it is too late.

But of course, there are people who have simply hardened their hearts to what is right and good for society and just don’t deserve the same freedoms that we enjoy. But these make up less than 1% of the jail/ prison population.

E-Mail us to send or receive any information.

FREE  Prison Bible Courses

Prison Fellowship

Fellowship of Christian Police Officers

American Christian Law Enforcement Network

Association of Christian Peace Officers of Vermont

Behind the Badge of a Deputy Sheriff

Blue Shield – T

Brother to Brother

Christian Law Enforcement Fellowship of

Christian Law Officers

Connecticut Cops for Christ

Police Officers for Christ New York  Area

– Southwest Iowa


Shield of Faith

More about Project Uplift




We are marketing Social Intelligence enhancement programs based on Biblical principles to officers, inmates and individuals who quite simply would like to be better equipped to make good life decisions.

Classes were born from my concern in County and Regional facilities in Mississippi. We are looking to implement a program as an alternative method to some strategies in place at correctional facilities and local jails. The objective is to bring in teachers at NO COST because our main concern is the building up of the community!


Here are the steps normally involved in having us implement a program for you:

  • Research into the inmate statistics
  • Presentation of concepts (program outline)
  • First draft submitted to administration
  • Revisions (by your administration)
  • Implementation


As discussed, our first choice would be to work directly with officers and inmates. We’ve done a lot of work in the travel-consulting industry, and wrote a book on similar sets of enhanced benefits to facilities with these kinds of programs.

Our second choice is Post-release assistance. With changes in the world today, people are uncertain about the future of their lives even if they have never been incarcerated. So again, almost everyone is going to benefit from the service in some way. And there is no cost.


If you can contact us during the day, it’s realistic for us to have a workable program to fit your schedule in a matter of days or sooner. As far as timing and scheduling once there is a program idea in place- it is completely up to you- mornings, evenings, once a week, once a month or even every day. Whatever your administration deems possible!

As long-time admirers of the outstanding work that your facility and others do in the community, we are no strangers to how you function from the inside. Members of our Leadership team also come from a long family history of law-enforcement from judges to detectives, correction officers, deputies and probation officers. We are well aware that local jails as well as our Correctional Facilities have grown to a point where they need to dramatically enhance their effectiveness so that they can continue to serve their purpose. And we know that funding is often an issue which is why everything we do and provide is free.

This correspondence outlines the complete scope of work, including objectives, procedures, identification of responsibilities, and estimated time.


To Implement Biblical classes on ethics, improving work skills, public service, managing your money and many more that will make our community a better place to live; to instill the ‘Model Citizen’ characteristics by implementation, training, Pre and post-release support for the inmates, and provide free professional assistance related to this new program and coordinate the bridge to we want to be. Success of this project is dependent not only on the teaching, but also on your personnel’s skill, effort, and willingness to work as a team.


  • Assist in planning and implementation of the Teaching system.
  • Recommend steps required to sustain the new system and assist in assembling information and areas used in the continuation process.
  • Establish specifications for the program to capture success/failure information. (Note:  our program has “general statistics” reports that contain information that can be bridged in detail or summary format and be sent to you at any given moment. The interface (export file) will be in Word or Excel.)
  • Work with you and your staff during installation and implementation to help you gain a general understanding of the system and for us to learn all the rules and regulations that we are to adhere to.
  • Training in the areas of your choice, monthly and year-end reporting procedures, monthly and year-end testing, and periodic procedure reminders.
  • Upon completion, an officer or inmate would receive a certificate and get to keep all materials for their future study to assure that it is functioning as intended and producing better people who make better decisions.


Pre and Post-Release Support

  • Assistance, planning and classes for officers and inmates are always free. (Note:  in the future we may seek governmental subsidy, but we will never ask money from the facilities.)
  • We provide free telephone support for 30 days after completion or release. Supplemental classes or classes after release may not be free in the future.


This project demands significant involvement by your personnel. Ultimate success is highly dependent on their effort and their belief in the programs. To help achieve a smooth and successful implementation, it will be your responsibility to perform the following:

  1. Assemble an up-to-date trial briefing      for all officers and inmates before the program date.
  2. Compile a complete list of all rules and      regulations that we should adhere to, and other necessary information.      Everything that we do should agree with everything from this list.
  3. Create a complete schedule of when we      are able to enter the facility as of the program date.
  4. Include a copy of the inmate rules and      regulations desired by you so the organization is aware of what they can/      cannot do as well.


When the project is successful our neighborhoods, community and workforce will have successfully improved. People will have converted to the ‘better person’ that they intended to be. More importantly they will continue to grow. Inmates and officers will get along better with themselves and each other. Benefits include increased productivity, positively motivated employees, a more manageable work environment, less incident reporting, lower labor costs and turnover, ease of training and promoting , and much more!

No staff member is needed to devote time to the implementation process or the programs other than transporting of inmates. The programs for officers would be completely voluntary.


We appreciate the opportunity to talk. If you want to accept this proposal, or still would like more information please contact us.





Observations indicate that inmates serving at federal, local, county and regional facilities would benefit by having the opportunity to improve reading comprehension, work and social skills. Officers as well deserve the opportunity for free training that makes them more successful. On-going and systematic instruction for skill development in correctional environments has had phenomenal success. However, they are completely absent in most institutions.

A structured program that was supported by the state department of corrections would fill this void and give officers and inmates a true sense of self-worth allowing them to better communicate with themselves, each other, and family. This would have a profound impact on the lives of men and women that could change communities and perhaps the nation!

The cost of this could be almost $0 in theory if we were to implement these programs with volunteer teachers, and in some cases inmates themselves. Churches and non-profit organizations would leap at the chance to contribute to such a wonderful program. The focus is age-based and is not only geared for the inmate, but their entire family as well:

Developmental Tasks


  • (Ages 0-6)

v  Learning mental/ physical skills necessary for teaching games.

v  Forming concepts and vocabulary to describe Spiritual and physical reality.

v  Learning sexual modesty and confidence.


  • (Ages 6-12)

v  Learning Biblical masculine or feminine social role.

v  Developing Biblical concepts necessary for everyday Christian life.

v  Defining the conscience, morality, norms and standards.

v  Start building Spiritual/personal independence.

v  Developing Christian attitudes toward self, others and Divine institutions.


  • (Ages 12-18)

v  Achieving Spiritually mature relations with age mates of both sexes.

  • Dealing with peer pressure
  • Remaining pure for soulmate

v  Understanding Biblical masculine or feminine social role.

v  Understanding one’s physique and body as it matures.

v  Achieving Spiritual/emotional independence from parents and other adults.

v  Preparing for career, marriage and family life.

  • finances

v  Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behavior.

v  Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.


  • (Ages 18-30)

v  Finding your soulmate.

v  Learning to live with that soulmate as one flesh.

v  Managing home life as a husband or wife.

v  Getting started in a career without losing site of Kingdom work.

v  Starting and raising a Godly family.

v  Taking on civic responsibility as a Christian.

v  Finding a congenial, Christian social group.


  • (Ages 30-60)

v  Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults.

v  Achieving adult social and civic responsibility.

v  Reaching and maintaining Christian standards of performance in your career.

v  Developing Biblical adult leisure time activities.

v  Relating to one’s spouse as a changing person.

v  Preparing for the physiological changes of middle age.

v  Biblical responsibilities in regard to aging parents.


  • (60 and over)

v  Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health.

v  Adjusting to retirement and reduced income.

v  Preparing for sickness/ death of a spouse.

v  Establishing an explicit affiliation with one’s age group.

v  Adopting and adapting social roles in a flexible way

v  Establishing satisfactory physical living arrangements.



Under the supervision of an education liaison and the D.O.C. there would be an established hierarchy  from Legislature down of an ‘Uplift Team’ designed to provide instruction to inmates and officers who are interested. Instructors would be chosen or accepted based on their background, interest and commitment to teach and approved by D.O.C. and the education liaisons. In many cases these positions could be filled by trustees who have completed classes on their subject or have the background and ability. In smaller county facilities this would not be necessary because a single teacher would be sufficient for the entire jail population.  The list of topics are as follows:

To give career-oriented individuals the insight, tools and motivation to reach their full potential by offering state of the art instruction, coaching and career development strategies in a supportive and challenging environment…..

Mandatory education in ethics and morals as       Censored/ regulated TV, music and literature.

Mandatory counseling

Employee Monthly Classes & Reviews

College Information Availability

Career Opportunity

Volunteers Allowed to Assist in Teaching & Counseling

Monthly News Bulletin

Attempts Against Racial Issues

Use Resources of Inmates to Clean, Build, Fix, etc.

Inmates Housed Close to Home

Prison Television Network

Every Sentence Including Positive Community Service or Contribution

Restitution Set Up Pertaining to Every Crime

Inmates Under State Supervision Required to Donate

Should Not Be Permitted to do Drugs or Gamble in Prison

Lawyers, Judges, and other Community Reps Should Be Required to Volunteer

Inmates Should All Be Put Initially in Solitary Confinement

Inclusion of Inmate Ideas in Restructuring and Rehabilitation

Sentencing Should be Universal: Specific Times for Specific Crimes

In addition, we have compiled an extensive list of free jail/ prison correspondence ministries for inmates.

Free Prison Bible  Correspondence

Bethel   Prison Ministry
PO Box 1286
Tucker, GA 30084
Christ’s   Prison Fellowship
Box 632
Wichita, Ks 67202
New   Life Course
Box 55
Los Angeles, CA    90053
Gospel   Ministries Bible Course
PO Box 126
Pitman, NJ08071
FirstAlliance    Church
PO Box 40
Roseland, FL    32957
His   Place Foundation
Richard L. Benton, Pres.
3508 N. Broadmoor Blvd.
San Bernardino, CA    92404
Exodus   Prison Ministry
PO Box 6363
Lubbock, TX79493-6363
Hope   Aglow Ministries
Box 3057
Lynchburg, VA24503
Gospel   Echoes
Box 555
Goshen, IN46527-0555
The   Hour of Grace and Power
PO Box 400
Roseland, FL32957
Back   to the Bible
PO Box 82802
Lincoln, NE 68501
John   N. Clayton
718 E. Donmoyer Ave.
South Bend, IN46614
Prison   Fellowship
PO Box 17500
Washington, DC20041-0500
Jubilee   Shop
21st S 7th St.
Lebanon, PA17042
Pocket   Testament League
PO Box 800
Lititz, PA17543-7026
Lamplight   Studies
PO Box 290088
Brooklyn, NY11229-0088
Prison   Evangelism Outreach
Box 70
Gulfport, MS39502
Mailbox   Correspond Course
4122 N. Lange Ave.
Tucson, AZ85705
Prison   Ministry
414 Country Club Dr.
Fayetteville, NC    28301(Only sends courses to prisoners in NC)
Mount   Hope, Inc.
PO Box 1511
Hagerstown, MD21741-1511
Prison Mission Association
Rev Vernon Bigelow
PO Box 1587
Port Orchard, WA 98366(Offers Bible Correspondence in English and Spanish)
Pan   American Literature Mssn
5215 E. Fort Lowell Rd.
Tucson, AZ85712
Little   Lambs Inc.
John Sala
PO Box 32
Sebring, FL33871-0032
Beacon Prison MinistryCanada
C/O Jeannine   Robinson
PO Box 39544
374 Lakeshore Road East
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5G 4S6(Requires extra postage for Canada)
Mobile   Source of Light
Bible School
PO Box 91694
Mobile, AL36691-1694
The   Quiet Hour
630 Brookside Ave
Redlands, CA92373-4699
World   Home Bible League
1981 Van Dam Rd.
So Holland, IL60473
Turning   Point
Jail & Prison Ministry
PO Box 2430
Cleveland, TN37320-2430
Southern   Baptist Hm Mssn Bd
Correspondence Bible Course
4200 North Point Pkwy
Alpharetta, GA30202-4174
World   Wide Bible Study
PO Box 100676
Denver, CO 80250
Ten-MileBible    School
PO Box 85
Burlington, KY    41005
Source   of Light Ministries
1011 Mission Rd
Madison, GA30650
Gospel   Express Evangelistic
PO Box 217
Lynn, NC28750
Stonecroft   Ministries
Bible Correspondence Dept
PO Box 9609
Kansas City, MO    64134-0609
Crossroads   Bible Inst
2976 Ivanrest SW Suite 125
Grandville, MI 49418(Requires return postage)
Ark   Ministries
PO Box 1152
Chandler, AZ85244
Lamp   and Light Publishers, Inc
26 Road 5577
Farmington, NM 87401(Inmate must pay for return postage of lessons)
(Offers Bible Correspondence Courses in English and Spanish)
Evangelicaln   Ministries Inc.
110 Bridge St. Box 327
Wheaton, IL60187
The   Evangelical Baptist Mission, Inc.
MailBox Club
PO Box 625
Louisburg, NC 27549(Offers Bible Correspondence in English and Spanish)
Welch Rd Baptist
PO Box 160
Commerical Point, OH   43116
Rock   of Ages Prsn Ministry
626 Sugar Creek Rd.
Cleveland, TN37323-9040
Hope   For You
1027 Leonard St. NE
Grand Rapids, MI49503-1299
Prison   To Praise International
Pilot Program
1707 San Jacinto Place
Dallas, TX 75201(Offers Bible Correspondence in English and Spanish)
Steinkamp   Bible Study Program
PO Box 3475
Rancho Cucamonga, CA    91729
Mail   Box Correspondence Course
Box 337
Aleif, TX77411
Project   Philip
Box 35
Muskegon, MI49443
Set   Free Prison Ministries
PO Box 5440
Riverside, CA 92517(Offers Corr. Courses in Russian)
Adrian   Church of Christ
719 W. Maumee St.
Adrian, MI49221
Christ   Truth Ministries
PO Box 610
Upland, CA91785
Emmaus   Bible School of IN
Distrib of Correspondence
PO Box 1008
Chino, CA 91708-1008(Bible Studies for Indiana,   (also in Spanish))
Church   of Christ Ministry
Courses to Corr Facilities
PO Box 169
Muncie, IN47308-9929
Church of Christ Ministry
PO Box 453
Crescent, OK73025-0453

*College level courses available:

AmericanBible    Academy
PO Box 1490
Joplin, MO    64802(Requires return   postage)
(Provides Free Correspondence Courses for Inmate’s Spouse)
Inmate   Disciple Fellowship
SWB Theological Seminary
PO Box 22098
Ft. Worth, TX 76122(Requires return postage)
Dept   of Correspondence Studies
Fort Wayne Bible College
1025 W. Rudisill Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46807(Inmates must pay for tuition)
FamilyRadio    School of Bible
290 Hegenberger Rd.
Oakland, CA 94621(Inmates must pay for tuition)