When he sent

The sixteenth reading from the Bible study in a year is nicknamed Beshalach (בשלח), which means “When he sent.” The nickname comes from the first verse of the reading, which can be literally translated to say, “And it happened when Pharaoh sent out the people.” The reading tells the adventures of the mixed multitude of Israelites as they leave Egypt, cross the Red Sea, receive miraculous provision in the wilderness and face their first battle.


You will also find study guides by chapter and advanced study of the original languages following the Bible study outline. While it is our belief that many of the letters of the New Testament were originally written in Aramaic and/ or Hebrew, the Greek texts are used for study even when there are known Hebrew manuscripts (eg. Mathew and Hebrews).

Bible Audio & Text:

Listen to all the Bible study below or click the link to read them at biblegateway.com in your favorite translation:

Bible Outlines & Chapter Study Guides

Penteteuch/ Torah Exodus 13:17-17:16 | Song of Moses and Miriam

  • Exodus 13:17 | The Pillars of Cloud and Fire
  • Exodus 14:1 | Crossing the Red Sea
  • Exodus 14:26 | The Pursuers Drowned
  • Exodus 15:1 | The Song of Moses
  • Exodus 15:20 | The Song of Miriam
  • Exodus 15:22 | Bitter Water Made Sweet
  • Exodus 16:1 | Bread from Heaven
  • Exodus 17:1 | Water from the Rock
  • Exodus 17:8 | Amalek Attacks Israel and Is Defeated

Writings  Judges 4:4-5:31 | Worship in David’s Tent

  • Jdg 4:1 | Deborah and Barak
  • Jdg 5:1 | The Song of Deborah

Prophets Malachi 1:1-2:7 | Warning to the Kohanim and Levites

  • Mal 1:1 | Introduction
  • Mal 1:2 | Israel Preferred to Edom
  • Mal 1:6 | Corruption of the Priesthood

Gospels  Mathew 5 | Appointing the Twelve

  • Mathew 5 | Jerusalem Council Rules on Circumcision of New Believers
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    (Greek Audio) (Interlinear)

Matthew Chapter 5 Study Guide


Acts 15 | Jerusalem Council

  • Acts 15:1 | Some said you cannot be saved without circumsision.
  • (Greek Audio) (Interlinear)

Acts Chapter 15 Study Guide

Revelation 15 | Song of Moses to the Lamb

  • Revelation 15:1 | The seven angels with the seven last plagues.
  • Revelation 15:3 | The song of those who overcame the beast.
  • Revelation 15:7 | The seven bowls full of the wrath of God.
  • An HTTP error occurred during file retrieval. Error Code: 410
    (Greek Audio) (Interlinear)

Revelation Chapter 15 Study Guide

Revelation Outline

Bible Study Commentary



Manna was amazing stuff. It had all the nutrition necessary to sustain a large population for forty years. It appeared every morning and in an adequate amount so that no one went hungry. It could be cooked, boiled or baked. However, it could not be stored. If anyone tried to hoard it, it turned rancid overnight. Manna can teach us about money and materialism. God provides the bounty of the material world for our welfare. He provides adequately for our needs, sometimes in scarcity, sometimes with abundance, but always with sufficiency. “He who had gathered much had no excess, and he who had gathered little had no lack” (Exodus 16:18). When we try to hoard wealth, though, it can turn into something spiritually ugly. Just as the manna turned rancid and wormy, hoarded wealth sickens the soul. It causes us to cling to material things. We no longer need to rely on God because we can rely upon our savings and investments. We no longer need to pray for our daily bread, as Yeshua taught us to do. As Yeshua warned us, “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:23).

Not that there is any special merit in being poor. But it is much more difficult to be affluent and keep your spiritual footing. The wealthy disciple must exercise constant vigilance against the deceits of wealth. He must keep his hand open and generous, and he must be able to lay it all aside for the sake of the kingdom.

Hidden Aleph-Tav’s

In the Hebrew Scriptures there are hidden aleph-tav’s [את]  that aren’t usually translated into English. But they are very enlightening when we read them in the Hebrew. These are the ones we find in this week’s study:

As we have seen that Joseph’s life was a type and foreshadow of Y’shua the Messiah because he saved את Children of Israel. As the Israelites depart from Egypt in Ex 13:19 they carry את bones of Joseph and notice the את in front of bones twice. In Ex 14:4-5 it is את who hardens Pharaoh’s heart to chase after את Israel so that the Egyptian army may be completely destroyed. Now when the Israelites see Pharaoh’s army they become fearful but Moses states in Ex 14:13 to Fear Not and Stand Still and see אֶת־ salvation (Yeshuwah) of יהוה. Again a perfect picture of the Yah-head, יהוה Father working through את Y’shua as ONE and they work the same way today.

In Ex 14:16 and 21 we see it is את hand that parts the waters of the Red Sea and Ex 14:25 it is את hand that causes the wheels of their chariots to fall off and Ex 14:26-28 את hand that closes the Red Sea.

Ex 14:30-31 states that all Israel saw את work greatly that day and they feared את. In Ex 16:7 as the Israelites begin to suffer in the wilderness and murmur; Moses warns them that את hears their murmurings against יהוה.

Now in Ex 16:31 the first time the Israelites see Manna from heaven they call it את his name Manna. (Note: the Hebrew word for ‘name’ in verse 31 is shem and over 70 times is rendered ‘his name’ when spelled the exact same way as in verse 31) So the verse could read, ‘they called it את His name Manna’. Confirmation that את is represented in the Manna is in Ex 16:23 which states that the Manna they baked and broiled in the wilderness is את and in Ex 16:35 it states that they ate את Manna for 40 years. The את Manna Father gave in the wilderness feed them physically and was a type and foreshadow of את Bread of Life that יהוה Father gives to all those who receive את Jesus/ Yeshua as Messiah who gives the promise to inherit Eternal Life (John 6:31-40) and those who eat His body and drink His blood will never hunger or thirst spiritually.

Ex 17:2-7 states that the Israelites were actually tempting both את and יהוה with their murmuring.


Bible Study for Kids

It’s sometimes hard to make the Old Testament fun for kids. Try these Children’s activities:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PL79C589A9AC8B0C81&v=lre-LLz-UzE[/embedyt]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PL01F2197E5238E89B&v=YzjHjXe-2XU[/embedyt]

Days of creation coloring


For Deeper Language Learning

Hebrew “Word of the Week” by Hebrew4Christians.com

Greek “Greek of the Week

Read the Psalms in a Week

Sunday- 1-29 
Monday- 30-50 
Tuesday- 51-72 
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Wednesday- 73-89 

Thursday- 90-106
Friday- 107-119 
Saturday- 120-150
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Additional Gospels + Acts-in-a-Year Chapters

About the Author

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