It’s not new, but it was new to me. I took my family to see Refracted Glory at this month’s “Movie Night” at David Rives Ministries and the Wonders of Creation Center in Lewisburg, TN. I was not disappointed.
I knew there were easily three other documentaries on hummingbirds we could have watched on Youtube at home, but we are trying to support the local ministries in our area and we, as a Homeschool family, really LOVE what the Rives family has going on over there. Our kids love learning interactively there.
I struggle SO MUCH with everyone’s “personal ministry”, including my own. I don’t do ANY advertising or promoting. I don’t have a staff nor do I have any kind of “donate button”. I have never received a single cent of charity/ tithe/ giving/ support despite sending/ spending THOUSANDS of dollars of my own money to further the gospel of the kingdom.
I’ll meditate on that some more before I comment any more. But go check out the ministries I shared, I truly believe they are worthy of support.